If you live in the state of California, and you bought a motorcycle a few weeks ago, you need to know some of the basic rules to drive them, this will avoid you not only fines or penalties for not complying with land traffic regulations, but also to reduce the possibility of personal injury, both to yourself and to others.

According to the Secretary of State for Motor Vehicles, there are more than 27 million drivers registered in the system and with a valid driver’s license since 2019, which has been one of the primary objectives of said institution, this through the use of technological and digital tools. technologies that guarantee not only social equity during the process, but also the well-being and safety of citizens who use other means of transport, and who tend to be more vulnerable on the road or in other places with greater vehicular traffic.

Common Causes of a Personal Injury from Motorcycle Riding

Anyone learning to ride a motorcycle or motorized two-wheeler is more likely to be in an accident than any other form of transportation if proper precautions are not taken before heading to their destination.

However, what are the causes for a motorcycle accident to occur and for it to lead to personal injury? Here are some common ones:

– Distractions on the road or lack of attention behind the wheel

– State of drunkenness or influence of any substance in the body

– Weather conditions

– Lack of motor vehicle maintenance.

– Lack of respect for road signs

– Inexperience in driving.

– Absence of vehicular signaling on the road, including traffic lights.

How to reduce these types of accidents in California?

According to information from the California Department of Highway Safety, deaths related to the use of motorcycles have decreased considerably during the last 4 years.


Drivers have increasingly assumed their responsibility at the wheel, in addition to taking conscious actions when moving from one place to another, either alone or accompanied by a loved one.

However, remember that if you are starting to operate a motor vehicle of this type, you must:

-Use a safety helmet and have another extra for a companion if you have one.

 -Have a valid driver’s license.

 -Have medical and vehicle insurance (if you can afford it).

 -Respect traffic regulations and their signs while driving.

 -Give way in case of an emergency or wait for the authorities.

 -Avoid distractions while driving or not if the weather or weather conditions do not allow it.

What to do if you suffer a personal injury due to a motorcycle accident?

Remember that the first thing is to remain calm and make sure that you have not suffered serious, temporary or permanent damage to your body.

However, if you think the above has happened, do not hesitate to seek help or medical attention to check your health status so that you can get the treatment you need as soon as possible.

If the incident occurred months or weeks ago, and you are not satisfied with how the matter has been handled, contact a law firm or attorney to take legal action if you have been the main victim or the most affected by the incident. said event and considers that this is necessary to achieve their personal well-being.


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